Week 3 Term 4, 2024
Loving God,
You came among us as a teacher, healer and saviour.
On this World Teachers’ Day, bless your teachers
Help them become even more joyful disciples and profound echoes of your wisdom,
Bless our teachers with the gifts of Your truth, beauty and goodness.
Bless them with integrity, so that they bring Your words to life.
Bless them with courage and perseverance to walk the paths You have laid out.
We pray in the name of Jesus
who knows all too well the challenges and joys of being a teacher,
Welcome to the Week 3 Newsletter. Last Friday, we celebrated World Teachers’ Day. We thank them for all the work they do to educate, inspire and empower learners. We thank our teachers for their service to the students, the ongoing training they complete and for the care, compassion and kindness they display to students and their families. Our teachers are all wonderful professionals that display great dedication. Thank you to the Parents and Friends for the morning tea that was supplied last Friday, it was very much appreciated.
Staffing Update
Joanne Daly – Cleaner will be taking some well earned leave for the remainder of year. We welcome back Colleen Broad, who will take on Joanne’s duties in her absence.
Family Engagement
We understand that parent / caregiver engagement goes hand in hand with student wellbeing and success and productive communication with parents / caregivers is an essential feature of a positive school culture.
Digital technologies have greatly assisted in this regard and the use of parent / caregiver information apps, social media (for general school information), school website and the use of email communication directly with staff is now routine.
We appreciate that parent / caregiver expectations as to staff accessibility have evolved in the context of enhanced digital communication practices. While representing efficient modes of communication, the breadth of digital communication options can create ‘availability creep’ where school employees become more accessible in locations and at times of the day, weekends and during periods of leave when they should be able to disconnect from work.
Indeed, recent laws have taken effect which provide school employees a right to disconnect. In the interests of respecting the rights of our staff and recognising the importance of facilitating and promoting healthy communication, we are introducing the following as standard protocol during term time:
- Noting our staff spend a significant amount of their workday focussing on teaching or other activities applicable to their roles, staff will endeavour to respond to parent / caregiver communications requesting a response within 48 hours, noting staff will discern whether an urgent matter requires a shorter response timeframe; and
- Parents / caregivers are encouraged to contact the school front office in the first instance for general information.
We ask that parents and caregivers be mindful and supportive of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
All Saints Day
This Friday 1st of November, the church celebrates All Saints Day. The Year 2/3 Class will lead us in celebrating Mass with the parish at 9:30am.
Grandparent’s Day
On Friday, 15th November, we would like to honour Grandparents and other special figures in our lives. Grandparents, families, and special friends are invited to Mass at 9:30am, which will be led by the R/1 Class, followed by morning tea under the trees. Children will be sending out invites soon, so please mark this date on your calendar.
Welcome to God’s Family
Congratulations to Willow Heness who received the Sacrament of Baptism on the weekend. We hope it was a special time for the entire family.
Vinnies Sleep Out
Our school community should be proud of the 19 Mini Vinnies who “slept rough” to raise funds and awareness for homelessness in Australia. The evening began with activities designed to deepen their understanding of the issue, followed by 20 minutes of solitary reflection, allowing them to experience the loneliness of sitting on the street with limited human connection.
Throughout the night, all the children stayed outside, braving the cool air, bright lights, dew, and barking dogs, with some even sleeping on only cardboard boxes.
To conclude the experience, they shared their reflections during church and hosted a morning tea for parishioners who generously donated to the St Vincet De Paul, Spring Appeal. A special thank you goes to Eliza Simpson, who spent the night with us and shared her experience from participating in this activity at St. Mark’s. We also thank Georgia Parisotto for her assistance and for staying overnight (ask her about her encounter with a wandering cat!). The following are some reflections from the children:
- Next time I see a homeless person, I will see if I can talk to them. (Ethan)
- Next time I see a homeless person, I will say hello and not stare. (Alayla)
- A homeless person isn’t just the person sitting on the street, they can be people who are couch surfing or escaping an unsafe house. (Bentley)
- We should be thankful for all the things we have because not everyone has them. (Harriet)
- We should all be friendly and ask if they need help. (Sadie)
- We should all support the homeless. (Hugh S)

Gala Day
Teaching social justice is a priority for all Catholic Education and Gala Day is one small we do this at St James. For some students, this is their favourite day of the year. Many wonderful stalls were set up not only for fun but to raise money for the work of the Catholic Mission both here in Australia and overseas. Attractions included a tattoo parlour, haunted house, boot toss, face painting, and much, much more.
We thank the families for supporting the children in organizing their stalls. It was also heartening to see so many community members come together for the event. St. James has consistently been one of the highest contributors per capita to Catholic Missions during mission month, and this year will be no different – congratulations and thank you.

Remembrance Day – Walking Excursion – 11th November
The Jamestown RSL have invited all students to attend the Remembrance Day Service at Memorial Park on the 11th of November (Monday – Week 5). The service commences at 10:45. As this is a walking excursion, parent permission is not required. Should the weather not be favourable, the RSL will be holding the service at the RSL Hall and this would mean that only the school captains and the principal would attend the service and the rest of the school will take part in a service back at school.
Pupil Free Day 2024
The final Pupil Free Day this year will be held on;
- Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Curriculum Day
School Buses
Bus families - please note that Jamestown Community School have one remaining Student Free Day. This means there will be no buses running on this day. The date is as follows;
- Term 4 – Week 4 – Friday November 8th
Summer Uniform
As we approach the warmer time of the year, all students are now expected to wear the summer uniform.
All students are expected to wear a hat at recess, lunch and during excursions throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child brings this to school. New hats can be purchased via the Flexi Schools App.
Year 4 Camp
The Year 4 Class will be heading off to the Woodhouse Adventure Park, in the Adelaide Hills this Thursday 31st October and they will return Friday 1st November. They will take part in a variety of outdoor challenge activities. We look forward to hearing about their camp experiences.
Uniform Review Responses
Thankyou to the parents who have already responded to the Uniform Review that was sent out on Operoo.
A reminder to those who have not completed the survey to please respond by this Wednesday 12.30pm.
This is your opportunity to vote on whether changes are made to our existing school uniform. Please take the time before Wednesday to read the suggested changes in Operoo, click on the hyper-link at the bottom and place your vote. If you are having trouble please phone the front office for help. Your vote is important.
Adelaide Christmas Pageant
The school have been fortunate to receive wrist bands to gain access to a reserved site, in Wakefield St, at this year's Adelaide Christmas Pageant on Sat 2nd Nov. If you are considering going this is a wonderful opportunity that we are privileged to receive. Please contact Judy at school if you would like some passes which will be offered on a "first in" basis.
Last week Pippa C, Indy F, Alayla K played in the North Eastern Region SAPSASA AFL Girls Team. The team had 4 Wins and 5 Losses. We're sure they had lots of fun.
- 30th October - Girls & Boys Cricket Training @ Jamestown 4-5.30pm
- 12th November - Tennis Training @ Crystal Brook 4-5pm
- 4th - 6th November - Girls & Boys Cricket State Carnival
- 20th - 22nd Novmeber - Tennis State Carnival
Hots Shots Tennis Carnival - Year 3-6
All Year 3-6 students will head down to the Jamestown Tennis Club in Week 5 on Wednesday 13th November for a tennis carnival. Our students will be playing against students from other schools in the area. More details will be sent out via Operoo.
Catholic Athletics - Year 3-6
A team of Year 3-6 students have been selected to represent St James at the Catholic Athletics in Adelaide on Wednesday 6th November. Information about the event will be sent out to families of the students that are participating via Operoo. We wish the team all the best.
We have such a supportive parent community at St. James. Over the past month, we have requested several donations, and families have generously given their time and contributions—thank you very much!
CFS Catering Weekend
A special thank you to Billie Thomas for organising the catering for the CFS training weekend. We also appreciate Bel Heness, Evan and Bek Wrobel, Claire Sheridan, Ellie Stacey, Shona Simpson, Kerry Sutter, Ashtyn and Billie Thomas for taking time out of their weekend to serve at the event.
Jodie Thompson, Kerry Sutter, and Bernadette McCarthy will be working in the tuck kitchen for the last time this term. Their contributions over many years will be missed, and we thank them for their commitment to keeping this service running for our families. With three people leaving the tuck roster next year, we are seeking others who might volunteer on a Monday from 9:30 – 1:30. Although it may sound daunting, once you learn the routine, it becomes quite easy, you will be well supported and most of the work involves simply heating food. Please see Suanne Redden if you would be willing to spare just one Monday a term.
Term 4 Meeting
Our next meeting will take place this Tuesday, October 29th at 6:30pm in the Learning Centre. We will be discussing our end-of-year celebrations and planning for 2025. Everyone is welcome to join us in building a supportive school community.
Term 4 Assembly Dates
There are two Afternoon Whole School Assemblies planned during Term 4 to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The assemblies dates are;
- Friday 8th November – Year 2/3 Class – 2:40pm
- Friday 22nd November – Reception / Year 1 Class – 2:40pm
Enrolments are open for the beginning of 2025 and for the 2025 Mid Year Intake. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour.
Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
Carols in the Park – Sunday 15th December the Jamestown Lions’ Club “Carols in the Park” will be held at 8pm, in the Jamestown Memorial Park. Choir practices will be held weekly, in the Jamestown Uniting Church from 4 to 6pm, starting on Sunday 27th October. Musicians and singers are most welcome. Guest artists are also welcome. Ring Margie on 0428 818 752 if you have any queries. We hope to see you there.
YCS dates for Term 4
29th October
19th November
3rd December
Important Dates
P & F Meeting - 6.30pm
YCS - 3:15pm
Yr 4 Woodhouse Camp
Yr 4 Woodhouse Camp
ALL SAINTS DAY Mass 9.30am Yr 2/3
No Buses Running - JCS Student Free Day
Assembly Yr 2/3 - 2.40pm
Remembrance Day Service - 10.45am
Hot Shots Tennis Yr 3-6
Grandparents Day Mass R/1 - 9.30am
Assembly R/1 - 2.40pm
WEEK 7 - Swimming Lessons - 25-29 Nov
Thanksgiving Mass and Yr 6 Graduation - 6pm
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Shona S
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Helen L
Convenor: Kate L
Worker: Sarah P
Cakes: Debbie M & Belinda T
Convenor: Kerry S
Worker: Suanne R
Cakes: Rebecca S & Lauren A
Parish Mass

Welcomers: Mick & Sharyn O
Servers: Lucy L, Lottie & Rosie R
Welcomers: Deb & Mick M
Servers: Harriet & Teddy S, Indy F
The Southern Cross
