Week 5 Term 4, 2024

Lord Jesus, you said,
Peace I leave you,
My peace I give you.
Help us to be peacemakers
in our world today.
Welcome to the Week 5 Newsletter. As communicated last week, I will be finishing my time at the school this Friday. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at St James School and in Jamestown. I have been privileged to lead the school community for the past four and a half years. I will certainly miss the students, staff and families that I have worked with. I know the school is in a good place, as the school has a very dedicated staff, who care deeply about the students and their families. I am going to miss the school community but I am looking forward to what the future brings for my family and I. Martin Hayes will be the Acting Principal from Monday 18th November, through to the end of Term 1, 2025. He is currently the Principal of St Joseph’s School, Gladstone. He will lead both schools during this time. I know the school will be in good hands. I would like to thank the school community for your support during my time at the school and wish everyone all the best for the remainder of the school year.
Grandparents' Day
We are excited to welcome Grandparents and Special People to our school this Friday for Grandparents’ Day. The day will begin with Mass at 9:30 AM in the church, followed by morning tea under the trees. Afterward, students will have the opportunity to spend time with their special guest by playing games, reading books, or taking a tour of the school. If your child would like to "adopt a granny" for the morning, we have some wonderful parishioners who would be happy to step in and enjoy the day with your child.
Giving Tree
In Weeks 7, 8 and 9, our Mini Vinnies group will be setting up a Giving Tree for the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Donations of non-perishable food items, or unwrapped toys and clothes, can be placed under the tree during the final weeks of school. Your contributions will help make Christmas a little brighter for those in need, while teaching your child the spirit of giving.
School Fees
As we start to wrap up another school year, we would like to thank all of our families for their continued support here at St James. We are so privileged to have such a supportive school community.
As we come to the end of another fantastic school year, we wanted to remind families that school fees have been confirmed to continue at the current set amount in 2025. Yes – that’s right – there has been no price rise. We have not put our fees up since we dropped the fee price in 2021.
Here at St James, we acknowledge that this year has brought along with it some financial changes with continued financial pressure. As an acknowledgement of that and how that may affect our school community, we wish to note that if your family has been affected and may require some adjustments and/or assistance with school costs, to make contact with our Finance Officer, Helen Latham on account@stjames.catholic.edu.au or 08 8637 9100. Alternatively feel free to contact the Principal or our Administration team at the school.
Pupil Free Day 2024
The final Pupil Free Day this year will be held on;
- Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Curriculum Day
Swimming Lessons – Week 7
Each class will take part in Swimming Lessons in Week 7. Paper based forms were sent home last Friday. If your family did not receive these, please contact the office staff. A swimming timetable will be sent home soon.
Thanksgiving Mass and Year 6 Graduation – Tuesday 10th December
Our Thanksgiving Mass and Year 6 Graduation will be in Week 9, on Tuesday 10th December at 6pm in the Church. For those who are new to our school community, it is one of the most important events in the school year. All students and families are expected to attend in their traditional summer uniform (shirts tucked in). As this is a family event, each child must be accompanied by an adult. Students will meet their class teacher in their classroom at 5:45pm. Teachers will bring classes to the Church, and they will sit in their class groups. Each family will be asked to bring a salad to share. Parents and Friends will supply an ice cream for dessert for the children. Meat will be cooked and supplied by the School Board.
- 5:45 – Students to meet class teachers in classrooms
- 6:00 – Mass in Church
- 7:00 – Shared BBQ meal
- 7:30 – Year 6 Graduation in Church Hall, End of year awards and Thank You's.
- 8:00 – Event concludes
If your family is unable to attend, please contact the office staff via email (info@stjames.catholic.edu.au), send a note into the office or phone the school.
Last week Hamish S played in the North Eastern Region SAPSASA Cricket Team. They had a very succesful 3 days, winning Division 4.
- 12th November - Tennis Training @ Crystal Brook 4-5pm
- 20th - 22nd Novmeber - Tennis State Carnival
Hots Shots Tennis Carnival - Year 3-6
All Year 3-6 students will head down to the Jamestown Tennis Club this Wednesday 13th November for a tennis carnival. Our students will be playing against students from other schools in the area. More details have been sent out via Operoo.
2025 Op Shop
The Parents and Friends Committee is already planning for next year and would love to hear your feedback on the possibility of holding a Pop-up Op Shop in 2025. An Operoo note has been sent out to gauge your interest and ideas for supporting this event. We’re hoping to make the op shop even bigger and better next year, and we value your input.
Christmas Gathering
We invite all parents to join us for our End-of-Year Christmas Dinner on Tuesday, December 3rd, at 6:30 PM at the Railway Hotel. Whether or not you’ve attended meetings this year, we would love for you to come and celebrate the year with us! Please RSVP to the school office or Billie at 0409 691 207.
There is one more Afternoon Whole School Assembly planned during Term 4 to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The next assembly date is;
- Friday 22nd November – Reception / Year 1 Class – 2:40pm
Enrolments are open for the beginning of 2025 and for the 2025 Mid Year Intake. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour.
Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
Carols in the Park – Sunday 15th December the Jamestown Lions’ Club “Carols in the Park” will be held at 8pm, in the Jamestown Memorial Park. Choir practices will be held weekly, in the Jamestown Uniting Church from 4 to 6pm, starting on Sunday 27th October. Musicians and singers are most welcome. Guest artists are also welcome. Ring Margie on 0428 818 752 if you have any queries. We hope to see you there.
YCS dates for Term 4
- 19th November
- 3rd December
We have had a busy start to the term in Reception/ Year One. We enjoyed joining in Gala day and selling Milkshakes to everyone.
Last week we participated in Outdoor Classroom Day. We took our learning outside and sat amongst our beautiful trees to complete our Literacy block. We read books with the Year 2/3 Class and also individually. We used our loose parts to tell stories and recorded our ideas in our notebooks. Being outside is something we really value in our class, it helps us to regulate ourselves, to feel calm and to connect with the beautiful world God has created for us. We loved building among the dirt, lawn and sand. Story building outside gave us lots of opportunities to share our ideas and imagination with our peers.
We have also been enjoying working with bigger numbers during our Maths lessons. Last week we made tens beads and shared what different two digit numbers look like. These beads have added some lovely colour to our classroom.

The Year 4s enjoyed their camp at Woodhouse Adventure Park in Week 3! Their overnight stay was packed full of fun activities, such as, outdoor laser skirmish, the giant tube slide and bouldering. They were also challenged to reach new limits by taking part in both the uphill climb of ‘Challenge Hill,’ as well as its treacherous counterpart, the ‘Creek Crossing’, which saw plenty of students (and a certain teacher) fall into the icy water of the campsite’s creek on Halloween night!

Today we were invited to attend the Remembrance Day Service at the Memorial Park. Our school captains made a speech and laid a wreath. Thank you to the RSL for the invite.

Important Dates
Hot Shots Tennis Yr 3-6
Grandparents Day Mass R/1 - 9.30am
YCS - 3:15pm
Food Groups Orders - Pizza & Soft Drinks
Assembly R/1 - 2.40pm
Year 2/3 Excursion & Sleepover 22 - 23 Nov
WEEK 7 - Swimming Lessons - 25-29 Nov
Year 6 Graduation Dinner
Yr 6 to Yr 7 JCS Transition Day 1 of 2
Yr 6 to Yr 7 JCS Transition Day 2 of 2
Yr 6 to Yr 7 St. Mark's College Transition Day
Food Groups Orders - Chicken Burgers & Cordial
YCS - 3:15pm
Food Groups Orders - Squash Dogs and Spiders
Thanksgiving Mass and Yr 6 Graduation - 6pm
Splash Day Excursion at Jamestown Pool - 11am to 1pm
Last Day of School Year - Casual Clothes Day
Advent Liturgy - 9am
Pupil Free Day - Last Day for Staff
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Annie O
Worker: Louise G
Cakes: Jesika Kotaras
Convenor: Jemma T
Worker: Peta C
Cakes: Narelle R & Alice P
Convenor: Jodie T
Worker: None Required
Cakes: Rebecca D & Vanessa D
Parish Mass

Welcomers: Annie O & Connie W
Servers: Patrick & Tom C, Eddie D
Welcomers: Anne R
Servers: Ethan M, Hugh S, Hugh T
The Southern Cross

Please click on the link for the latest Southern Cross Newsletter
