Week 9 Term 1 2025
"Let us all walk in the same direction, tending towards the same goal, attentive to one another in love and patience.”- Pope Francis
Dear St. James Community,
I am very excited to be officially announced as the new principal of St. James. Having had the privilege of serving as acting principal, I can honestly say that I’ve loved every moment of it, and I’m thrilled to now take on this role full-time. Officially I will be principal at both Jamestown and Gladstone until the end of Term 1 and then only Jamestown from the start of Term 2. It’s an honour to be part of such a wonderful community, and I look forward to continuing our journey together.
I also want to take a moment to express my amazement at the incredible success of our recent pop-up op shop. The support from our families has been nothing short of remarkable. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed, whether in the lead-up to the event or during the weekend itself. Your dedication and effort have been truly inspiring.
While the op shop is still open for a short time, early reports are already showing that it has been a great financial success for our P&F, which in turn will directly benefit all of our students. A final tally will be shared soon, but everyone should be incredibly proud of what you’ve accomplished together.
Thank you again for your ongoing support. I’m looking forward to everything ahead.
Parent Teacher and Student Interviews
Please check the note that was sent via Operoo to select a time for your child’s interview on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and evening of Week 10. Once times have been allocated, families will be notified of their interview time
New School Board
Last week we held the School Board AGM. Thank you to those that attended. At the AGM we presented Annual Report which will be available soon on our school website. We also thanked Vanessa Duke for her years of service and we welcomed Angus Barnden as a new member.
In 2025 the elected St James School Board is:
Fr. Harold (president), Martin Hayes (principal), Matt Hale (Chair), Kelly Kelly (Vice-Chair), Luke Clark (Treasurer), Ryan Simpson (Secretary), Claire Sheridan (staff Rep.), Natasha Downing (P&F Rep.), Anna Simon, Tamara Wilson and Angus Barnden.
Wood Chop
The School Board have decided to sell cut wood again as a fundraiser. We will confirm the date very shortly, once we do we will send out order forms and volunteer helper forms.
I would also like to thank Ryan Simpson and Luke Clark who assembled the new oval soccer goals a few weeks back. They are already being well used. These goals were purchased through money raise from the wood chop last year.
Yr. 3-6 Working bee – date claimer – Sunday 27th April 10:00am – 12:00pm
This is a heads up that we are scheduling a school working bee for our Yr 3-6 families after Mass on Sunday 27th April. We will send more details out closer to the end of the term so that you will know what equipment you may be able to bring.
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival in Clare
Congratulations to the 18 Year 3-6 students who participated in the Swimming Carnival last week. Our students demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and support for not only their team but other schools in the day. Our students were a sight to see!
Below is write up from Rosie and Bentley.
On week 8, 21st of March, our school participated in SACPSSA Catholic Swimming Carnival. There were three divisions, Div. A was the fastest swimmer that had to do 50m, Div. B and C are for slightly slower people who did 25m. We did really well, these are some of the events we competed in, the open medley relay, 25m freestyle Breaststroke, backstroke, Butterfly, 50m freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, and the freestyle relays. We got heaps of first ribbons and came first over all, so that is three years in a row. We also got some year level awards for year 3, 4 and 5. and some people got individual achievements, Connie W won Age Champion Year 3, Wilbur A won Age Champion Year 4, and Ethel A won Age Champion Year 5. In conclusion we were impressed in everyone who participated even if you were scared you did a great job, Congratulations on a great day.
It was a fantastic day out for all. Thank you to the parents and staff that were able to come along and support the children, and to Arlen Amey and David Williams for assisting with the judging and placing on the day.

Project Compassion Fundraisers
Thank you to all our families that continue to support our Project Compassion Fundraisers. We raised an incredible $415 last week in the Reception Class Coin Charlie fundraiser. This week we invite you all to support our Year 3 /4 Class Sausage Sizzle. Pre-order forms were sent home last week.
What’s happening for the rest of the term?
Week 9 – Wednesday 26th March - Sausage Sizzle at Lunchtime (Yr 3 /4)
Week 10 – Friday 4th April – Bake Sale (year 5/6)
Week 11 – Day TBC “Chicken Throw” at Lunchtime (year 1 /2) Gold coin donation
Holy Week Plays
This year, Holy Week falls in the school term break. Therefore, our school will run our Holy Week plays in Week 11. Each class will lead us in the events that prepare us for the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. Parents and families are most welcome to join us for these plays.
Thursday Week 11, 10:40am -- Palm Sunday – led by Reception Class
Thursday Week 11, 11:20am - The Last Supper – led by the Year 3/4 Class
Friday Week 11 9:30am - Stations of the Cross –led by the Year 5/6 Class
Monday Week 1, Term 2 - The Resurrection – led by Year 1/2 Class
Op Shop
The St James Pop Up Op Shop was once again a great success. Not only is it the major fundraiser for our school, it also brings the community together, provides affordable clothing for families and promotes re-use and recycling. It's a win for everyone involved.
All weekend families donated their time on the trading table, BBQ or in the shop. So many people did their little bit and we are so very grateful.
For those who didn't get a chance to go on the weekend, the Op Shop will be open Monday to Friday 3:30pm - 6pm. All stock will be half price!
Thanks to Sam Catlin and her band of St James workers who will cater for a Show Society Dinner. This also will be a great fundraiser for our school. What a great bunch of parents we have at St James.
As we journey through Lent and our school’s Project Compassion season, our Year 5/6 students have been delving deeper into the lives of the people we are supporting. Using Dollar Street, they explored real families from around the world, comparing their living conditions to our own. Through thoughtful artwork and reflective writing, they have brought these stories to life—highlighting the realities of poverty and the importance of solidarity.
If you get the chance, you can visit our display in the corridor and take a moment to reflect on how small acts of generosity and raising money this Lent can make a big difference.

This term, our students have been participating in The Resilience Project lessons, where they have been learning about gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness. These important skills help children develop a positive mindset and build emotional resilience.
Research shows that regularly practising gratitude can change the way our brains work, helping us to focus more on the positives in life. In just 21 days of practising gratitude, children become three times more likely to notice the good things around them.
After 42 days, practising gratitude can lead to:
✔️ Fewer illnesses
✔️ More energy
✔️ Greater happiness
✔️ A more positive attitude
✔️ Better focus and determination
✔️ Improved sleep quality
✔️ Reduced feelings of anxiety and depression
We encourage families to continue these practices at home by talking about things you’re grateful for each day. Simple conversations at the dinner table or before bed can make a big difference in helping children develop a strong and positive mindset. 💛
This term, our students have been participating in The Resilience Project lessons, where they have been learning about gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness. These important skills help children develop a positive mindset and build emotional resilience.
Research shows that regularly practising gratitude can change the way our brains work, helping us to focus more on the positives in life. In just 21 days of practising gratitude, children become three times more likely to notice the good things around them.
After 42 days, practising gratitude can lead to:
✔️ Fewer illnesses
✔️ More energy
✔️ Greater happiness
✔️ A more positive attitude
✔️ Better focus and determination
✔️ Improved sleep quality
✔️ Reduced feelings of anxiety and depression
We encourage families to continue these practices at home by talking about things you’re grateful for each day. Simple conversations at the dinner table or before bed can make a big difference in helping children develop a strong and positive mindset. 💛
Thank you to all the families that supported the book fair. Thank you to everyone who supported our Book Fair last week!
We know it has been a very busy time for families but we greatly appreciate the enthusiasm that the children brought to our first book fair.
We loved how the children connected with our library, and with our rewards, we have earnt $540 worth of free books for our library!!
This is a wonderful effort for our small school community and our first time hosting a book fair.
Thank you again!

Important Dates
Assembly Yr 3/4 - 2.40pm
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews
Little Jimmies
SAPSASA Basketball Carnival Jamestown
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Ellie S
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Mel C
Convenor: Kelly M
Worker: Collen B
Cakes: Sam C
Parish Mass

Welcomers: Claire S & Family
Servers: Grace S, Sadie R & Bowie S
Welcomers: Martin & Therese C
Servers: Pippa & Elkie C, Lucy L
Welcomers: Peter O
Servers: Lottie & Rosie R
The Southern Cross

Please click on the link for the latest Southern Cross Newsletter
