Week 9 Term 4, 2024
Dear Families,
As we approach the end of the school year and prepare to celebrate the joy of Christmas, I want to take a moment to thank each of you for your support and dedication to our school community. This year has been filled with many blessings, and we are grateful for the continued partnership between families, staff, and students.
Over the past few weeks, several of our Year 6 students put themselves forward for the role of school captain. They worked hard preparing their speeches, presented them confidently to the entire school, and then faced an interview with Miss Parisotto and myself. I want to commend each nominee for their dedication and effort throughout this process. From my perspective, all of them demonstrated excellent preparation and were deserving of the role. While only two students can be selected as school captains, we have also appointed students to other important leadership positions.
The successful senior leadership students are:
School Captains: Bentley Clapp & Indy Farr
Vice Captains / Mission Leaders: Sophie Broad & Hamish Simpson
Sports Leaders: Tom Pammenter & Flynn Thomas
Eco-Leaders (Name TBD): Sid Clark & Finn Home
Library Leader: Rosie Richmond
Our goal is to nurture the leadership potential in all students. Every student, regardless of year level or title, has the opportunity to lead, and we look forward to seeing these qualities grow throughout the year.
We thank this semester's SRC leaders. They will be presented with certificates on the last day of school at our Advent liturgy on Thursday 12th December at 9am.
May this Christmas season bring peace, love, and joy to your homes. I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year, ready to continue our journey together.
Wishing you a blessed and merry Christmas!
Christmas Eve Mass will take place at 7:00 PM in Jamestown. As is the parish tradition, the children will act out the Gospel story. If you plan to attend the Mass and your child/ren would like to participate, please inform Annie O'Reilley. There will be a rehearsal on Monday, December 23rd, at 9:30 AM.
As a school we continue to prepare for Christmas in celebrating the season of Advent. We will join in prayer on Thursday at 9:00am in the Learning Centre.
A big thank you to all the families for their generous donations! It’s wonderful to see the tree filled with gifts. All donations will be delivered to Port Pirie on Friday, December 13th, so there is still time to contribute if you wish.
The Mini Vinnies used the last of their funds to purchase additional items from Jamestown businesses to add to the tree. We would like to thank Jamestown Newsagency, Rynne’s Hardware, Jamestown Pharmacy, and Bohdi Zen for their generosity when the students came to make their purchases.

We warmly welcome to our school the Walter family who began their time here at St James last week. We wish Callie and Elsie both an amazing journey here filled with learning, laughter and fun.
It is hard to believe that we have reached the last week of the school year. Just a reminder that the students have a pupil free day on Friday 13th December. The last day of school for students will be Thursday 12th December, and students can wear casual clothes on this day.
Just a reminder that students will be going to the Jamestown Swimming Pool this Wednesday for Splash Day from 11am until 1pm. Students will walk to and from the pool.
Students can wear their bathers underneath their sports uniform to school on Wednesday.
Parents are welcome to assist with supervision at the pool if they wish.
Student reports will be sent home this Wednesday, 11th December. Should parents wish to meet with their child’s teacher about the reports, Teachers will be available until Thursday 12th December. If your child’s report does not make it home this Wednesday, please contact the office.
The new school year begins for students on Tuesday 28th January. Sports Uniform Days will continue to be on Wednesday’s and Friday’s.
For some of our families, this week will be the last time they have a child attending St James. We would like to wish farewell to the following families,
- The Kotaras Family - (Adam and Jess),
- The Low Family (Natalie and Dale)
- The Duke Family (Vanessa and Adam)
- The McCarthy Family (Bern and Adrian)
- The Thompson Family (Jodie and Craig)
- The Sutter Family (Jed and Kerry).
and thank them for everything that they have done for St James during the time their child/ren have been students here.
Teaching Staff for Term 1 2025 |
Acting Principal |
Martin Hayes |
Alison Kelly |
Yr. 5/6 Class |
Georgia Taylor (nee Parisotto) |
Yr. 3 /4 Class (Mon – Thurs.) |
Zack Taylor |
Yr. 1/2 Class |
Minnesotta Cheriton |
Reception Class |
Ellie Stacey |
Reception Class |
Claire Sheridan |
Auslan/Well-Being/Inclusive Education |
Sandra Gresch |
Arts, PE & Yr. 3 /4 Class (Tues/Wed/Friday) |
Annie O'Reilley |
WEEK 9 – What to wear this week
Tuesday – PE Uniform during school day and then Traditional Summer Uniform for Thanksgiving Mass
Wednesday – PE uniform with bathers underneath
Thursday – Casual Day
In the past we have prepared individual book packs of stationery for the 2025 classes, which parents collect at the end of the year and cover over the holidays.
This year, class teachers have decided not to send home packs. They will have the bulk supply in their classrooms and will prepare labels and cover them with the children in the classrooms.
A plastic envelope will be sent home, with forms to be completed, in preparation for next year. These can be returned to the office either this week or on day one.
Just a reminder that this Tuesday evening 10th December is our Thanksgiving Mass and Graduation Night. Please don't forget to bring a salad to share (nut free).
- 5:45pm – Students to meet class teachers in classrooms
- 6:00pm – Mass in Church
- 7:00pm - Shared meal.
- 7:30pm – Year 6 Graduation in Church Hall, End of year awards and Thank You's.
- 8:00pm – Event concludes
If your family is unable to attend, please contact the principal via email (principal@stjames.catholic.edu.au), send a note into the office or phone the school.
As we come to the end of the second-year learning Auslan at St James we acknowledge and congratulate our students’ achievements and progress.
Auslan is not just about learning the signs for words, it has its own grammatical rules that usually start with the subject and ends with the verb. English on the other hand follows the Subject-Verb Object structure.
Auslan also relies on a combination of hand shapes, orientation (direction of your palm and hand in relation to your body), movements, and facial expression to deliver messages. Facial expressions are an important part of the Auslan language, they convey feelings, emphasis, and demonstrates whether a question is being asked, or a statement is being made.
Our students in years 4-6 have been working on writing a Christmas story which they will translate from traditional English to Auslan sign (using correct grammatical structures).
Please take a look through the lost property as there are lots of hats, jumpers and containers.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Zack Taylor and Georgia Parisotto, who will be married during the holidays. Today, the students enjoyed a special celebration in honour of this joyous occasion. We wish Georgia and Zack all the best on their wedding day and in their life together.

Thank you to all the students that participated in our Wizard of Oz themed pageant float on Sunday 1st December. Thank you to all the parents, teachers and ESO's that assisted us to put the float together.

Are you having a clean out before Christmas? The hall will be open on Wednesday 11th from 9:30 - 3 for anyone wanting to drop off donations. If during the holidays you would like to off load any items, please text Annie 0417870611 to arrange a time for drop off.
On Sunday 15th December, students from St James School will be singing at the local Carols in the Park at the Memorial Park in Jamestown. If your child would like to join the choir singing, please return the form via Operoo, or let Ms Annie O'Reilley or Miss Georgia Parisotto know as soon as possible.
Enrolments are open for the beginning of 2025 and for the 2025 Mid Year Intake. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour.
Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
Important Dates
Thanksgiving Mass and Yr 6 Graduation - 5.45pm
Splash Day Excursion at Jamestown Pool - 11am to 1pm
Last Day of School Year - Casual Clothes Day
Advent Liturgy - 9am
Pupil Free Day - Last Day for Staff
First Day for students - Term 1 2025
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Shona S
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Mel H
Convenor: Colleen B
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Belinda T
Convenor:Suanne R
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Dette C
Parish Mass

Welcomers: Bec S & Evan W
Servers: Frankie H, Zoe K, Bowie S
Welcomers: Greg & Regina F & Family
Servers: Grace S, Sadie R, Indy F
The Southern Cross

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